Data Analytics vs. Data Science

June 21, 2021

Data Analytics vs. Data Science: A Comprehensive Comparison

Data has become an indispensable part of today’s world. With the increasing storage of data, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to unravel numerous benefits. However, the huge amount of data available can be overwhelming if not analyzed properly. This is where Data Analytics and Data Science come into play. While both terms might seem interchangeable, they have different roles and responsibilities. Here is a comprehensive comparison between Data Analytics and Data Science.


Data Analytics is the scientific approach to scrutinizing data in order to discover useful information, patterns, insights, and trends by using a variety of analytical and statistical techniques. It is the process of examining raw data with the aim of reaching conclusions about that information. It involves a deep dive into past data to reveal insights that can inform future decision-making.

Data Science, on the other hand, is a multidisciplinary field that combines statistics, computer science, and domain expertise to discover insights from structured and unstructured data. It is the umbrella term for various fields used to analyze, process, and model data to spot patterns and discover new insights. It may involve predicting future trends and prescribing actions for the future based on those predictions.

Roles and Responsibilities

When it comes to roles and responsibilities, the two terms have a significant difference. A Data Analyst is responsible for interpreting data and turning it into meaningful insights that can inform future decisions, while a Data Scientist is responsible for discovering insights through mathematics and algorithms in order to predict future behavior and inform strategic decision-making.

Skills Required

Data Analytics requires a strong background in mathematics, statistics, quantitative methods, and cost-benefit analysis. Data Analysts also require data visualization and communication skills to present their findings in a way that is understood by non-technical stakeholders.

Data Science, on the other hand, requires all the skills of a Data Analyst, but also involves a strong background in machine learning, programming, data engineering, and data visualization.


Data Analytics and Data Science require different tools. Data Analytics tools include SQL, Excel, R, SAS, and Tableau. On the other hand, Data Science tools include Python, R, SQL, Hadoop, and Spark.


Data Analytics and Data Science salaries vary by region, experience, and industry. According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for a Data Analyst in the US is $62,453, while a Data Scientist earns an average of $113,309. But, in some regions, these salaries can differ greatly.


While Data Analytics and Data Science share some similarities, they have distinct differences that separate them. They are both important fields in utilizing data to make informed decisions. However, the path for each varies so it is important to choose the right path depending on your skills, interests, and goals.


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